Google Sheets In The Classroom

The Google G Suite platform maximizes the 1:1 classroom scenario for schools, teachers, and students. One program in particular, Sheets, is beneficially used in the classroom as a data collection and organizational tool. We’ve compiled a variety of ways to use Sheets in the classroom setting to display Sheets’ positive qualities for education.

  1. Digital Portfolios With Google Forms

Combining Google Sheets with Google Forms can create a digital portfolio. The student creates the Google Form and the responses are collected on a spreadsheet. This student portfolio can be easily shared with a teacher for review and can provide feedback for the student.

  1. Digital Rubrics And Rubric Portfolios

Once a Sheet-based rubric is created, a master rubric sheet can be duplicated for future use. Additionally a master rubric tab can be duplicated to evaluate each student submission. The result is that teachers have one rubric sheet for each assignment evaluated with the master rubric. Additionally, because the rubrics are digital, teachers can utilize different formatting tools to create their rubrics. Cells can be created with formulas and can be color coded to the teachers liking.

  1. Class Resources Sheet

Sheets can be used to create course calendars with columns for dates, units, and chapters. Teachers can efficiently organize entire courses into calendar sheets and then share them with their students. The created sheet can be added to the course website if possible and can be sent to parents as well to include all parties involved in the communication.

  1. Research Planning And Archiving

Every teacher knows the challenge of assisting students in organizing, categorizing, and tracking large amounts of research. Creating a Google Sheet can streamline this process into topics and subtopics. Also with Google Sheets, students have the opportunity to share this document easily with teachers.

Want to know how you can implement Google Sheets and other Google G Suite programs in your school or classroom?