How OneNote Enhances Memory in Students

Technology has improved education in many ways, from immersive learning through augmented and virtual reality to improved communication between teachers, parents and students. But there are a few “old school” methods that have no substitute and one is handwriting. There was a study published in Psychological Science in 2016, authored by Pam Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel Oppenheimer of UCLA, that showed handwriting is the best way for students to recall what they learn. With Microsoft OneNote, your students can have the best of both worlds. 

OneNote is Handwriting-Friendly

It has been shown that hand-note takers tend to digest, summarize and capture the meat of the information better than typing it, leading to improved understanding and recall. In relation,  when we type, we try to notes every word we hear instead of what they mean, leaving our comprehension of the subject matter more shallow. Using OneNote’s stylus (or a fingertip) is like putting pen to paper so note takers get the recall advantage.

While using OneNote gives the traditional benefits of pen and paper, it goes above and beyond by giving you the ease of being digital.


OneNote Quickly Transfers Handwriting to Digital

Once you’re done taking notes you can convert your handwriting to text by choosing the Lasso Select button on the Draw tab. And, unlike the set pages of a notebook, there’s no limit on how many notes you can take in OneNote, except for how much storage you have. And with cloud storage options, you should be free to take a lot of notes!


OneNote Keeps Notes in One Place

Once you’ve recalled information you can easily reference it. Keeping track of scraps of paper and multiple notebooks is a thing of the past as OneNote is searchable. Took a note about ordering a new shipment of Chromebooks? Simply search by “Chromebook” and OneNote will pull up all your options. You can even pull up content from OneNote if you’re offline. And because you can create multiple tabs in each notebook and pages within tab, organization options are endless.


OneNote Allows You to Save and Store

Gotta run out on a lecture? No problem. OneNote allows you to stop, save and open your note at a different time, so you write some additional notes. Since OneNote goes with you, it’s always in the palm of your hand when inspiration strikes.

What do you love about Microsoft OneNote? Let us know.