How to Keep Kids Excited About Reading During a Pandemic

It’s been nearly a year since COVID turned our world upside down, changing the structure of school and our social lives. Since then, parents and teachers everywhere have been worn thin by the new expectations and ever evolving forums. What’s remained unchanged is our mutual commitment to both students’ safety and success.

In the educational landscape, reading is fundamental. It connects all disciplines, growing a child’s fluency and comprehension. That’s why it’s more important than ever to nurture children’s love of learning, even during unpredictable times.

Take a look at these four tips for keeping reading an educational priority.

Check in with your local library.

Depending on your location and city’s current status, your library may be open. Seasonally, most libraries offer reading challenges- complete with fun rewards and book recommendations. Sometimes, a little extra incentive is what kids need to keep them encouraged. Many libraries across the country are offering curbside pickup for easy exposure-less experiences. Check out your library’s website to see how they’re handling the current challenges.

Take turns reading aloud.

Reading fluency is an important skill that requires practice. With your child, take turns reading aloud. This can take many forms: a page in a book, a list from a recipe, or even directions from a new board game. Parents can begin a bedtime tradition of reading to their children from an engaging chapter book. For teachers, using read aloud excerpts is an effective way to expose students to nonfiction and more complex passages. 

Let students make recommendations.

Like everyone, kids love to share their perspectives. Allow them to assume the role of Book Reviewer for their peers. If you’re still teaching in your classroom, designate a visible place where students can display their book reviews, or carve out a spot on Google Classroom specifically for this purpose. Students will feel like their opinions are heard, and their reviews can help other kids choose a book that is well rated and loved by friends.

Change the format. 

Sometimes, a change in medium can pique kids’ interest enough to keep reading. There are countless tech toys that are both fun and educational: The Touch and Teach Word Book and LeapStart 3D Learning System are two great choices or younger children. Kindles ebooks work well to provide efficiency, choices, and fun for older children. For kids of all ages, audiobooks provide a different way to enjoy texts.

Pandemic life has altered the way we live, and education is no exception. Educators and parents know that reading is absolutely fundamental to young people’s development. Luckily, with the help of creative ideas and technology, we can keep kids excited about reading through these uncertain times.