Say “Thanks” to Your IT Personnel This November

The last several semesters have been tough on teachers, students and staff, but especially on your IT personnel. In the wake of the pandemic, more attention has been focused on what resources students need to learn in school and while at home. IT personnel were instrumental in helping to provide the tools students needed for word processing, research and communication. Take the time to thank your IT personnel this month.

IT's Many Responsibilities

The sky is the limit when it comes to the tasks that your IT personnel must tackle. IT is typically responsible for assisting teachers, staff and students with any computer issue or question. “My computer won’t connect to the Internet.” “I clicked on something in an email and now I’m getting a malware message.” “How do I add another student to our Google Classroom?”

Your IT personnel also provide all the service and maintenance for every computer in the school so they run like they should. They also have the added job of staying updated on new software and installing programs and features. Some IT personnel are even certified to analyze the needs of students with disabilities, selecting the appropriate devices and providing training on how to use those devices.

Ideas to Say “Thanks”

Employee recognition, like saying “thanks,” helps your staff feel appreciated which can boost morale and productivity. 

  • Write a Personalized Note: Thanksgiving is the perfect time to show your gratitude for your IT employees via a personalized note or card. “We’re thankful for all you do for our school! We appreciate your skills and dedication.”

  • Give a Thoughtful Gift: Get to know the members of your IT department and reward them with a thoughtful gift they’ll enjoy. Give a great bag of coffee to a coffee addict. The latest NY Times bestseller is great for readers. Music lovers would go crazy for an iTunes or Spotify gift card. The options are endless as long as you know what your employees’ passions are.

  • Offer Your IT Team Some Swag: Your IT department needs to have a lot of equipment and tools on hand – laptop bags, flash drives, HDMI cords and so on. Find a company to put your school’s logo on them for your IT department. The swag will help them do their jobs and show them you’re thankful for their hard work!

  • Set up a Gratitude Wall: Showcase your IT department on one of your school’s walls. Put up photos of everyone in the department and ask some of your teachers and students to write a note of thanks for the help they’ve received. The more specific, the better. “Thank you for setting up my class’s Chromebooks so quickly!”

  • Serve Lunch or Snacks. Food is always a great reward. Offering your IT lunch or an afternoon snack will always be appreciated. 

Arey Jones can support your IT department by being there after the sale. We can help with custom installation, site-to-site VPN connection, 1:1 asset management, secure disk erasure and more. Because sometimes the best way to say thanks is by offering some help. Contact us today about our personalized solutions. post content here…