What Does 2024 Have in Store? Our predictions for trends in education in the new year.

The start of a new year is a natural time to ponder what’s ahead. While it’s impossible to predict exactly what’s waiting around the next bend, we can make some predictions about education trends for 2024.

Below, we’ve outlined the trends we anticipate continuing or growing traction in 2024.

Artificial Intelligence

2023 brought a huge leap in the development of Artificial Intelligence, and this evolution is likely to continue dramatically transforming the landscape of education in the months and years ahead.

For one, AI is likely to become an integral tool for educators, lightening mundane tasks and quickly analyzing data that would take teachers hours to complete. As labor shortages continue and rates of teacher burnout remain high, we’re hopeful that these emerging tools can help make life easier for educators. Of course, implementing this will require significant professional development to keep teaching staff current on how they can harness artificial intelligence, as well as what the best practices are.

AI is also likely to play a large part in personalizing education for students. Artificial intelligence can help detect students’ learning pace and style, and can tailor lessons accordingly. With an increased awareness of the need to meet a diverse array of learning styles and neurodivergence, we expect AI to be a huge time-saver for teachers while assisting students with learning in a way that works best for them.

Mental health

Student mental health has become another area of attention in education. In the wake of the pandemic, studies have consistently shown an increase in mental health struggles among students. We expect schools to address this by investing additional time and resources in holistic wellness for their students. Some school districts are offering free teletherapy to students, while others are experimenting with apps that can monitor student mental health and alert staff when students are deemed to be at risk. Still, others are harnessing the power of nature to promote student wellness.

Gamification and Immersive Technology

Gamification– making learning more enjoyable by employing strategies used in games such as using points, quests or leveling up – has been a fast-growing trend in education, and we believe this will continue in the near future. Similarly, AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are immersive forms of technology that create a more engaging experience for the user. For example, students with access to immersive tech can experience what it’s like to visit a foreign country or even outer space.

Teaching Soft and Life Skills

In the U.S., college enrollment has been dropping over the past few years. Between the rising costs of college and a lingering labor shortage, more young adults are choosing options beyond a traditional four-year college education. Some choose to attend two-year trade programs while others enter the job market immediately after graduating from high school. For K-12 students, this could mean a push towards exposing students to information about emerging career paths. For high school students, this might mean an uptick in students exploring career and technology programs aimed at preparing them for high-demand careers.

Beyond career choice, schools are recognizing the need to teach students soft skills and life skills. In a rapidly changing world, students will benefit from developing soft skills like communication, problem-solving, flexibility, emotional intelligence and creativity. Life skills include financial management, goal-setting and stress management.

Navigating a changing educational landscape can be a challenge. We’d love to talk with you about how technology can help your school stay ahead of the curve. 

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