Embracing Technology to Set the Tone for the School Year: Communication and digital tools help teachers establish routines, understand student learning styles and simplify administrative tasks

For educators and administrators, the beginning of a new school year brings a sense of anticipation, possibility and planning. But once the novelty begins to fade, educators might be wondering how to keep up the momentum over the months ahead. Here are a few ideas about how teachers can employ technology to help things run smoothly throughout the school year.

Set clear expectations

Students of any age using school devices need to understand the school’s expectations around technology. Answer questions like how students are allowed to use their school-provided devices, what students should steer clear of, and what the consequences of breaking the agreement are.

Along with specific rules around technology use, the beginning of the school year is a good time to integrate some information on digital citizenship.

Continue to emphasize routines

The school day is largely built on routine, and particularly for teachers of younger students, that routine should include guidance on how to take care of any edtech tools the students have access to. Where should the students store their headphones? If students are allowed to take their Chromebook home each day, can packing it up be an explicit part of the classroom’s end-of- the-day routine? 

Use Learning Management System to follow student progress

Using a Learning Management System (LMS) like Google Classroom has a number of benefits. Teachers can use it to post important information like assignments, due dates and reminders in a centralized location. It also enables teachers to follow student progress, and quickly intervene if a student is struggling or behind.

Explore personalized learning

It’s never too early to start figuring out how to best support students. Consider creating a brief survey that asks students about their interests, goals and challenges to get an early snapshot of what individual students might need to thrive.

Take advantage of timesaving tools

If your school offers Gemini for Google Workspace, take some time to explore how this AI tool can save you time and effort in the classroom. Gemini can assist with tasks like creating and summarizing emails, generating visuals that make presentations more engaging, and taking notes during virtual meetings with students and caregivers.

Understand your school’s device repair protocol

It’s inevitable that some of your school’s devices will need to be repaired or replaced during the school year. The beginning of the school year is a great time to make sure you have a clear understanding of your school’s edtech repair program. How long does it generally take for a damaged device to be repaired or replaced? Are there extra devices for students and staff to access while their device is being worked on? If not, are there other ways they can continue to do schoolwork in the interim? Device repair programs like JonesCare play an essential role in keeping the year running smoothly, and having a clear understanding of how your school handles repairs can help teachers minimize interruptions to student learning.

Taking the time to communicate with students and their families about technology use, expectations and repair protocol, having systems in place to monitor student progress and personalize learning, and using technology to simplify your workload can help set the tone for a great school year.