5 Ways Educational Apps Improve Classroom Performance

With the introduction of technology into the classroom becoming more prevalent, it begs the question: What makes using education apps worthwhile?

The answer?

First, apps used for education come in a variety of subject genre. Companies like Google provide students with numerous apps they, and their teachers, can use in the classroom. Google sheets, Google Play for Education, and Google Art Project are just a few of Google’s many education platforms. In addition to google there are many apps for each classroom subject such as Choreo Graph which teaches students STEM information through interactive lessons and activities.

Second, the process of downloading an app is a quick and easy process. Compared to the old way of ordering books and lessons, an app download is one click away. All the knowledge teachers and students require is at the touch of a button in moments.

Third, apps can be mobilized. Most apps in the Google G Suite are transferrable and work on multiple devices. Students and teachers can take the day’s lesson right out of the classroom without missing a beat or falling behind. 

Fourth, this mobility of apps also means an increase in sociability between teachers, parents, and students. Parents can acquire status reports from these apps to monitor how their child is performing. They can also actively participate in their child’s lesson via apps’ sharing capabilities.

Finally, apps cut down the cost for the institution. Textbooks and workbooks for every student are no longer necessary and one app download can be shared with the entire class without paying per student. The expansive quality of an app is worth its weight in gold.

Interested in learning how apps can improve your classroom? Arey Jones is here to help.