5 Stress-Free Ways To Manage Chromebooks In The Classroom

Introducing technology into the classroom unlocks numerous educational benefits for parents, teachers, and students. It can also introduce distraction, hassle, and disorder. To help keep stress levels low, here are some tips for managing and organizing technological tools in the classroom.

  1. Labeling Chromebooks and other hardware is the first step to device organization. Different colored tape or marker provides differentiation among students’ devices. Another possible suggestion is to set the background on the device as the child’s school picture for easy recognition when lost.

  1. Set aside time at the end of the day for students to put Chromebooks and other devices in their backpacks to avoid last minute confusion.

  1. Keep better tabs with tracking apps, which allow teachers to track the location of their students’ devices while also providing another layer of security.

  1. Designate a time once every two weeks to update all devices to the latest software. Keep the devices at school overnight and ensure they are all up-to-date. While the devices refresh and recharge, students can, too!

  1. Speaking of charging, create a power station for your students’ Chromebooks and tablets to ensure they are always ready for a full day of work. Label cords with the same color as the one on the device and make sure students place their device in the same spot each time.

Remember, technology devices are supposed to make teaching easier. Maximize the benefits by plugging into device organization tips that work.

We believe technology should always enhance a classroom, not distract from it. When you need an integrated technology architecture that works seamlessly with your classroom, school, and district goals, we at Arey Jones can help you design a solution that works.