Educational Technology

6 Markers of Memorable Mentors

We’ve all had at least one teacher or adult make a notable impression upon our lives. They singled us out, pushed us out of our comfort zone, guided us in our chosen craft, or put us on the road to our destined career--or all of the above.

Being someone’s mentor isn’t easy, however. It takes time, dedication, patience, self-control, and generosity--all the qualities that make a great educator (and a pretty decent human being). Here are ways to develop those traits and use them to benefit your mentee.


Make sure you’re ready.

Being a mentor is an important job--and it’s one you must do on top of the other important jobs that fill your life. Make sure you have the time, emotional intelligence, mental bandwidth, and organization skills to properly nurture a mentee, and you must be willing to work with students and young professionals who may have different backgrounds, education, opinions, and strengths. Remember, this is mentoring, not cloning. There’s a good chance you’ll both come away learning something valuable.


Light the fire with a good match.

One of the reasons your mentee approached you (or the other way around) is likely because you both share an enthusiasm for your job or your field of study. Embrace this and use it to shine a light on your mentee’s potential strengths, opportunities, and challenges. While this enthusiasm will fuel your initial arrangement, pay close attention to how well the two of your work together. Chances are the arrangement will either add to your own fires, or it will sap your energy and burn you both out. Be aware of this chemistry early so you can either mix it up or dissolve it before any damage is done.


Remember where you started.

It can be easy for those of us established in our respective fields to forget what it was like at the beginning of our studies and careers. Your mentee may enter into the relationship with idealism and unrealistic expectations; your job is to harness that passion and direct it toward what’s possible. Help them focus their efforts, find the tools, and develop the necessary skills. Meet them where they are, so they can determine for themselves the best way to go.


Be generous with your knowledge.

Great mentors are teachers, and great teachers are always learning. Take the time to clearly share what you know about your field, the industry, or the task at hand, and don’t let your mentee be the only one asking the questions. Make sure you both stay in tune with the process by asking how they are doing, what they are getting from the experience, and how you can be of greater assistance.


Stay available and accountable.

Establish a regular schedule for meetings so that you both can plan your time accordingly and hold each other accountable. Set the tone for these sessions, and have specific objectives. These expectations also serve as boundaries so that you can both tend to the other important aspects of your lives.


Remain objective and fair.

Perhaps one of the hardest parts about being a mentor is attempting to be an active observer. Mentorship is not friendship (think more LinkedIn and less Facebook); you are their advocate, but you do not owe them any favors, nor do they owe you any allegiance. For a mentorship to work, the mentor must feel comfortable conveying honest assessments and constructive feedback, and the mentee must feel comfortable approaching you for advice and guidance, even if one of their challenges is working with you or your field. Your role is to guide. Their role is to learn. There should be no hidden agenda or ulterior motives.


Mentorships can have a profound effect on education, careers, and personal lives. If you have a moment, we’d love to hear your stories about what being a mentor (or being mentored) meant to you. 

18 Excel Formulas and Functions for 2018

You already geek out over Excel’s amazing functionality and its features in Windows. Maybe you’ve already used it to create a calendar template. Maybe you color code your personal budget targets. Maybe you already use it to track student progress, grades, test scores, attendance, and days until your next school holiday. We’re not here to judge. We’re here to help you make the most of what this powerful spreadsheet application has to offer.

Basic Conditional Formatting

When you’re dealing with a mountain of data, conditional formatting can help you find specific information quickly and visibly by color-coding cells that match specific criteria. For instance, you can highlight any student who has missed more than three days of class or any test scores that fall below passing. Learn more here.


Formula-based Conditional Formatting

And sometimes, just a basic highlight isn’t enough. Sometimes you want your spreadsheet to help you identify the next step in your process, like setting up a conference with parents or an email to the student. Formula-based conditional formatting can help with that. Here’s how.


=SUM(): The first function you learn really adds up.

You already know how to add up cells in Excel, but did you know you can hit CTRL + [Cells you want to add] to instantly add them to an equation? This is a fast way to add across random columns or rows.


=SUMIF(): For more selective sums

Sometimes you want to add and gather data in a different way. The =SUMIF equation will look for certain data in a table and add similar items together. This could be helpful if you track attendance by day of the week and want to learn which days most kids come to class.  Learn more here.


=COUNTIF(): Add up occurrences of a value.

=COUNTIFS(): Add up occurrences of multiple values.

The COUNTIF() function allows you to count how many times a certain criterion occurs in your specified range. For example, if you add a letter value grade to each assignment, you can use the COUNTIF() equation to count how many As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs a particular class or a particular student has. Use =COUNTIF(Where do you want to look?, What do you want to look for?).

More information on COUNTIFs here.


=AVG(): The average formula for above-average teachers

The average function works similarly to =SUM in that it allows you to grab the data within a column or throughout a sheet. If you use average test or homework scores to finalize grades, the =AVG function adds up (and divides evenly).


=MIN(): Find the lowest number in a range

=MAX(): Find the highest number in a range
This is a great way to find the range of cells quickly and accurately, especially if you are grading on a curve, or want to quickly obtain the range of test scores for a given exam.


=LEN(): Count characters in a single cell.
Never misjudge your Twitter character count again. This function will count the number of characters in a specific cell. Great for writing assignments with text limits.

=RANDBETWEEN: Generate a Random Number

Need help picking which student goes first with a presentation? Enter the RANDBETWEEN equation. Simply type =RANDBETWEEN(1,100) and it will return a completely unbiased whole number between 1 and 100  just like that.


=ROMAN: Convert to Roman Numerals

Perhaps not the most useful of formulas, but when C, V, L, and I are Greek to you, it can be a useful tool. Use =ROMAN(Destination cell with number you want to convert).


=ROUND(): Do a one-handed round-off

The =ROUND function allows you to round off numbers to a specific digit. Use =ROUND(number, digit) as the equation, keeping in mind that “0” digit will return a whole number, “1” returns to the tenths, and so on. =ROUNDUP() and =ROUNDDOWN() are equally fun, and further explained here.


=YEARFRAC(): Compare a date range to the entire year.

=DAYS(): Count the number of days in between two dates.


Still counting down to the end of the year? Excel can take the work out of that, too. Use =YEARFRAC(start_date, end_date, [basis]). For example, =YEARFRAC(1/1/2018,5/31/2018, 1).  Learn more about the calendar basis here. For the number of days or actual work days, use =DAYS(start date,end date) or =NETWORKDAYS(start,end) respectively. Place your date values in cells for increased flexibility and celebrate further with conditional formatting. 

These are our favorite Excel equations so far in 2018. Which ones did we miss of yours? We'd love to know and talk more about education tech, especially when it comes to Microsoft.

How To Prevent Tech Injuries

Technology has moved us forward in many ways, but it can also have us curled up in pain if we’re not careful. Here are four common tech-related injuries that are as easy to get as they are to prevent (thank goodness).

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

If you use a computer for more than two hours a day, you could be at risk for computer vision syndrome, a condition characterized by eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. While the condition is temporary, it can be frustrating, especially for people who must focus on computer screens for a large part of their days (and this adds up to about 70% of us, according to the American Optometric Association).

If you suffer from CVS, add frequent breaks to your daily routine, adjust the distance between your computer and your eyes, and keep your doctor apprised of any symptoms that don’t go away.



Avid cellphone users--those who actually use their phones as phones--may be at a higher risk of developing tinnitus, a consistent ringing in the ear. While the connection is up for debate, some studies found that people who talk on cellphones for more than four hours a day were at an increased risk of developing tinnitus, which is difficult to treat.


Tech Neck

Tech neck is the catchy name for a condition that refers to degenerative neck changes due to poor posture, namely the shape we take while we are pouring over our smart phones and laptops. Maintaining this posture for long periods of time can lead to disc injury, muscle strain, nerve impingement, and ongoing related pain over the shoulders, down the back, and along the length of both arms.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the reasons why repetitive motion injuries rank ninth for most common work-related injuries. The more time you spend hunched over your keyboard, the more likely you are to irritate the median nerve in your wrist, causing numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain in your fingers and hand.

Preventing carpal tunnel, and all of these tech-related injuries, is as easy as maintaining good posture at the keyboard, elevating your wrists while typing to avoid nerve compression, and taking frequent breaks to stretch, focus, and move your body in a variety of ways. Make it a habit to remind yourself and your students to sit up straight, pull shoulders back and down, and place both feet flat on the floor.


Arey Jones is here to make educational technology a comfortable experience for all, which is why we’ve been an industry leader for more than 30 years. Learn more about Arey Jones.

8 Things That Are Obsolete In 21st-Century Schools

Times are a-changing. If you were born before 1990, chances are you can walk into today’s 21st-century classroom and only find a handful of the items you used while you walked those hallways as a student. Here are eight things that are missing from today’s schools and what’s replaced them.

The Computer Lab

Remember the computer lab, the room filled with huge monitors, the smell of static, and the hum of twenty small fan blades cooling off core processors? No more. Computer labs have been replaced by mobile laptop carts and in-classroom device learning, and they are now used as additional classrooms and space for STEAM and STEM learning environments.

The Oregon Trail

Goodbye, wagon wheels. Hello, SimCityEDU. Instead of working to avoid dysentery, students are braving a new frontier of civil engineering and anthropology.

The School Newspaper

Also phasing out is the paper copy of the school newspaper. Thanks to schools embracing social media, there are far more effective methods to distributing information, events, updates, and more. 

One-Size-Fits-All Learning

Thanks to improving technology, teachers can now more easily identify the types of learners in their classroom and provide customized instruction based on a student’s ability to process information visually, audibly, or kinesthetically. By using test scores and software, teachers are better able to equip students to learn in a way that is most efficient and most effective.

Three-Ring Binders

The Trapper Keeper is to Google Docs as the ditto machine is to the copier. Schools and students alike are using less paper and more cloud-based solutions for note-taking, homework, and collaboration.


Gone are the dusty slate walls of yesterday, as is the dreaded end-of-day task of clapping erasers and washing the boards. Today most schools use white boards and smart boards to provide more than just math equations and verb conjugations; they can share informative videos, visual aids, guest speakers, and more.


Dropping cursive from some curriculum has been a bit controversial as of late, but with typing and keyboarding such a crucial part of learning and connecting with the world these days, something had to go.

Floppy Disks

Five-and-a-half or three-and-a-quarter? If these sizes mean something to you, it may be hard to believe they don’t mean a thing to today’s learners, who operate solely on thumb drives and cloud storage.

These are just a handful of the ways today’s learning environments are different from the past. What are we missing from this list?

How Technology Can Boost Learning All Summer Long

According to the National Summer Learning Association, almost 66 percent of teachers say that they spend the first month of school re-teaching students material from the previous year. Preventing “summer learning loss” is a hot topic for many schools and parents alike, and technology can help bridge the gap.

Boost creativity.

From Minecraft to robotics and 3-D printing, technology has a place on the crafting table. Encourage kids to explore, build, and create their own art, movies, music, and more through apps, software, and online tools. 

Make it a game.

If they are going to be on their devices anyway, give them games to choose from that can grow their minds while they keep their cool inside. There are a lot of great gems on this list from Digital Trends.

Get ready to read.

One of the easiest ways to prevent the summer slide is to encourage your kids to read as much as possible. Reading books on tablets is one way to keep a wide variety of titles handy, and a great way for kids to earn time playing other less-educational activities. Whooo’s Reading is a known resource for inspiring students to up their page game over break. 

Start growing.

Summer means fresh produce, but don’t wait for your local farmer’s market to do it for you. Plant a garden and use one of the many gardening apps to track plant growth, identify rogue plants and mushrooms, and remind you to weed, water, and check for bugs.

Take a field trip.

Apps like MuseumFinder can put the onus of relieving boredom back in your kids’ hands. Have them search for things to do and visit using local and national apps geared toward making sure kids always have something to do, see, and explore.

Let off some STEAM.

Encourage your kids to dive into science, technology, engineering, art, and math activities throughout the summer, whether it’s by learning to make a new recipe, try a hand at chemistry, solve logical puzzles, and build a better mousetrap. More great STEM and STEAM apps are coming on the market all the time, and summer is a great time to test and rate them (which could be an activity of its own!).

Keep the summer sliding on the playground this year and encourage your kids to keep on learning all break long. They’ll be ready to hit the ground running come fall, which will not only boost their educational confidence but also their performance.

What educational apps are on your summer radar this year? Let us kno

Technology Closes Gaps In Different Learning Styles

As every educator knows, students process and digest information in a variety of ways. Visual learners remember best what they read or see. Auditory learners understand best by listening and speaking. Kinetic learners feel most comfortable jumping in and physically learning as they go. So many different learning styles can cause quite a challenge for teachers trying to make sure every student is on the same page.

Enter educational technology.

Integrating technology into the classroom is a beneficial practice for students and teachers alike. Teachers can incorporate students’ learning styles into the lesson and execute them over a variety of devices to ensure students learn in the way they are most comfortable.

For instance, the same lesson can be visually demonstrated while also accompanied by narration and tactile touchscreen assignments help round out the educational appeal. Educational devices allow students to actively participate in the learning, even before they are aware of their own specific learning preference.

These positive practices can extend beyond the classroom and into the home for nightly homework sessions at the kitchen table. Students can peruse the entire day’s lesson plans with access to its presentations, recorded lectures and interactive worksheets, allowing them to proceed at their own pace and in their own way.

Whatever the student’s learning style, tablets and computers have a place on their desk. Educational technology aims to ensure no child is left behind both in the details of the day’s assignment and the scope of the bigger picture.

We believe technology should always enhance a classroom, not distract from it. When you need an integrated technology architecture that works seamlessly with your classroom, school, and district goals, we at Arey Jones can help you design a solution that works.